Expand Your English Vocabulary with One Word Substitution Techniques
A person
who is excessively concerned with rules – Quibbler
A soft
and thin fabric made from natural fibers – Quilt
A short
fight or argument – Quarrel
A group
of four musicians or singers – Quartet
A state
of uncertainty or doubt – Quandary
A person
who is excessively anxious or complaining – Querulous
four-sided plane figure with unequal sides – Quadrilateral
A witty
remark or response – Quip
A device
used for drawing or writing with ink – Quill
A sharp
and sudden question or inquiry – Query
A mass of
rock in which precious minerals are found – Quarry
A state
of being calm and quiet – Quiescence
A person
who is quiet and reserved – Quiescent
A person
who hoards or saves excessively – Quidnunc
four-part division of a piece of literature or music – Quartet
A written
legal or official document – Quittance
A person
who is skeptical or doubtful about everything – Questioner
A person
who engages in quarreling – Quarreler
A person who is cunning and tricky – Quisling