One Word Substitution for English Subject: Master Your Vocabulary with These Easy-to-Understand Terms

Master English Vocabulary with One Word Substitution for Better Communication

A person who can use both hands equally well – Ambidextrous

A medicine that prevents infection – Antiseptic

A written statement confirmed by oath – Affidavit

A person who is new to an activity – Apprentice

A building for housing aircraft – Aerodrome

A large-scale departure of people – Armadillo

A person who abstains from alcohol – Abstainer

A person belives to a human being – Humanist

A word opposite in meaning – Antonym

A medicine to counteract poison – Antidote

One who does not believe in God – Atheist

A person who brings an action against another in a court of law – Accuser

A collection of historical documents or records – Archive

A natural attraction to something – Affinity

A person who studies ancient ruins and artifacts – Archaeologist

A person who settles disputes – Arbitrator

A life story written by the person themselves – Autobiography

A person who loves mankind – Altruist

A place where weapons and ammunition are stored – Arsenal

A person who lends money at high interest rates – Usurer

A person who opposes or fights against something – Adversary

A person who is excessively enthusiastic or passionate about something – Addict

An action or speech intended to flatter or persuade – Appeal

A person who resides in a country illegally – Alien

The highest point or peak – Apex

A group of islands – Archipelago

One who practices self-discipline and abstains from indulgences – Ascetic

A collection of weapons – Armory

A person who designs buildings – Architect

One who studies celestial bodies – Astronomer

The act of forgiving or being forgiven – Amnesty

One who leaves their own country to live in another – Expatriate

A disease or condition present from birth – Anomaly

A room where dead bodies are kept – Anatomy

A person who goes on foot – Ambler

An annual calendar containing important dates – Almanac

A word formed by rearranging the letters of another – Anagram

One who studies the physical structure of the earth – Anthropologist

A short amusing story – Anecdote

A medicine that relieves pain – Analgesic

One who is not sure about God’s existence – Agnostic

A written or spoken agreement – Accord

One who makes an appeal – Appellant

A person appointed to act on another's behalf – Attorney

A hobby of collecting stamps – Philately

A place for housing animals – Aviary

A list of things to be discussed at a meeting – Agenda

A person trained to travel in space – Astronaut

A large enclosed structure for games – Arena

A state of disorder or lawlessness – Anarchy

A person who studies human societies and cultures – Anthropologist

A place where bees are kept – Apiary

A person who composes music – Artiste

A strong dislike or hatred – Aversion

A person who predicts the future – Astrologer

A substance used to stop bleeding – Astringent

A vehicle for transporting sick people – Ambulance

One who devotes their life to education – Academician

An instrument for measuring altitude – Altimeter

A person who writes for newspapers – Author

A ruler with absolute power – Autocrat

One who renounces the world and practices self-discipline – Ascetic

A person who introduces the performers on stage – Anchor

A method of water transport – Aqueduct

A group of people officially chosen to perform a task – Assembly

The original pattern from which copies are made – Archetype

A person who robs a ship at sea – Attacker

A place where public records are kept – Archives

A person who specializes in the study of rocks – Analyst

A system of writing for the blind – Alphabet

A place where cultural artifacts are kept – Athenaeum

A person who studies or collects coins – Archaeologist

A political system ruled by a king or queen – Aristocracy

The highest level of performance – Acme

A place of safety or refuge – Asylum

A strong desire to achieve something – Ambition

One who maliciously sets fire to property – Arsonist

A person who travels in search of new lands – Adventurer

A person’s strong point – Aptitude

One who collects antiques – Antiquarian

A person who refuses to accept authority – Anarchist

A cure for all diseases – Antidote

A place where animals are butchered – Abattoir

A person skilled in the art of persuasion – Advocate

A person who runs away from duty – Absconder

A person who plays a secondary role – Assistant

A person who seeks to promote a cause – Activist

One who is open to new ideas – Avant-garde

A person who voluntarily offers help – Altruist

A person who opposes war – Anti-warrior

A person who calculates insurance risks – Actuary

A person who is unlawfully expelled from their home – Absentee

A place where arts are exhibited – Art Gallery

A person who oversees the performance of others – Administrator

A person who does not change their opinion easily – Adamant

A place where water flows under a bridge – Aqueduct

A person who loves books – Bibliophile

A person who compiles dictionaries – Lexicographer

A person who collects works of art – Art Collector

A person who studies the effects of stars on human lives – Astrologer

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